Watching, Catharsis & The One…

We are currently in preproduction on three short films we plan to shoot on out Blackmagic 4K. We have confirmed the following cast members for the projects.

Watching is about a man who thinks he has it all, but after an awakening with a stripper who is in desperate need,  he learns that he’s been missing out on his true purpose in life, to help others.

Jake will be played by Jonathan Medina.

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Emily will be played by Sylvia Kochinski.

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Catharsis is about a poor girl, Danielle, who gets a shot at college through a scholarship, but is taken advantage of by a professor who has the power to end her future. After a brutal rape, her boyfriend is determined to get revenge, but she has a plan to get the professor’s wife involved. When the wife learns of her husband’s true colors, things get out of hand.

Danielle will be played by Victoria Levine.

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Victor will be played by Kellan Rhude.



Professor Winters will be played by Howard McNair.


Leanne Winters will be played by Bea Schreiber.

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The One is about Mark William Ashby who has been in love with Damon since the eighth grade. After getting a maybe to his proposal of marriage, he is devastated and calls his best friend Miranda to help see him through his pain. After talking to a man, Todd, who lost his wife to cancer, Mark decides life is too short to let his true love get away.

Mark will be played by Rance Collins.

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Miranda will be played by Natina Schneider.

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Todd will be played by John Livingstone.

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And Damon is still in the process of being cast.

All of these actors blew us away at auditions, and there are several more who were so talented that I’ve already been inspired to write shorts just for them. I have a stack of head shots on hand for future use, and there are so many films in our future.


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