Aug 14
Baywood Lane…
Writer’s are always busy because even when you’re not writing, you’re always writing in your head. Right now, we are juggling three homes because of the fire, and our boys just started at a new elementary school this week. One that just so happens to look exactly like the high school in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of my all time favorite series. It’s pretty cool.
They even have the same stairs.
The town in Buffy, Sunnydale, has the same atmospheric presence of Baywood Lane (formerly Wiseman). The screenplay is about a father, Ramon Addison, and his son, Adam, who live on Baywood Lane and stumble upon a horrific incident that brings Willa Sydney into their lives. It’s my next feature to write.
There are also two other projects taking up a lot of my time. I’m editing Sisters on one hand, and I’m prepping the paperwork for Lone Viking on the other. This is the paperwork that is sent off to investors with the story breakdown, budget, comparisons, sales strategy and attachments. It is known as the Film Prospectus. Every feature I write from now on will have a Prospectus package as it gives the project teeth and makes it an easy buy for a studio, sponsor or serious investor, since all the work and preplanning has been done for them.