
This Saturday, the 7th of September, we shoot Harley. I’m very excited about this short film. We have such a talented cast and crew. It is the biggest crew we’ve had so far with a two camera shoot, consisting of a very talented second cam operator, a boom, second crew assist and make-up. Harley is teaching Lucas how to fight because Lucas has been horribly beaten in a hate crime. It’s revealed that Harley is only imagining Lucas who is still suffering in the hospital from his serve wounds. Kira tries to break Harley free from his constant state of depression and training to fight a man who has gotten away with a horrific crime. When Lucas suddenly awakens, everyone realizes that life is too short to spend living a lie. Harley is played by model/actor Lars Slind, Lucas is played by Caleb Hoffman, and Kira is played by Hannah Elder. The script is about overcoming the need for revenge, and exploring the boundaries of love. It is about a fighter, who instead of using his strength to fight, uses it to heal.

Lars Slind (Harley)
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Caleb Hoffmann (Lucas)
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Hannah Elder (Kira)
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I am also writing a feature that is a family story about a little girl who gets sick with the same rare cancer that killed her mother. It is a sweet story about the importance of a loving family no matter how dysfunctional.

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