Nov 13
Extremely Productive Week…
It may be a holiday week for some, but when you are self employed, work never stops. This week, in between planning a Thanksgiving dinner for my family and preparing it, I was inspired to write a story that I will adapt into a screenplay. It’s called The Vet, and as of now, it’s a 12,000 word manuscript. I wrote it in two days, in between writing my feature, and I could not pull myself away from it.
Taylor reveals his insane Iraq experience which led to strong friendships, horrific betrayals, brutal rapes and grisly murders. It’s full of twists, and I know it would make a great feature. The manuscript is complete, and I could release it now as a short novel or hold off and release it with the film. The budget for this one is on a larger scale since it happens in Bagdad in 2004 with IED explosions, bodies getting blown to bits, caves, hospitals, lots of gunfire, and special effects make up. It’s a cool story.
As for Pieces in Bloom, I’m writing the last story now. I am currently on page 88, and will be finished soon. I’ve signed up with SAG and may make this my first SAG Indie, so I can sign a few well known actors to the project as well as some investors. We’ll see how that progresses. This film has wide appeal to many different audiences. It has dark and light moments and is really well-balanced. It’s juicy with so much story packed into it. I see it as a five course meal at a French restaurant. Fine dining for foodies.