Nov 13
The Third Story…
As Brad designed the effects for Playground, I worked on Pieces in Bloom. The third love story is finished. It’s a tearjerker and a reminder that life is fleeting so enjoy it while you can…That’s not an easy thing to do for my characters who have a lot of stress in their life, but those are the moments you really need to remind yourself that in a flash everything could change.
Now, I’m on page 61, and I still have two more stories to tell. I am so excited about these two…one of which is Opal’s story. She’s been interwoven in everyone’s romance, and as I edit the script, I plan to rearrange the events to make it all meld together.
Usually when I write a feature, I start on page one and just go page by page through the chronological events of the story. This time I am writing the script like an editor…It’s an interesting experiment that has been working really well for the tone of my characters and their individual stories. I really like writing this way! It’s unique, and I feel I’m developing my own style. This is some of the best writing I’ve ever done.